Dating: Why and How



Dating: Why and How

Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in activity together, most often with the intention of evaluating each other's suitability as a partner in a future intimate relationship. It falls into the category of courtship, consisting of social events carried out by the couple either alone or with others.

The protocols and practices of dating and the terms used to describe it vary vastly between cultures, societies, and time periods. Although dating is most often colloquially used to refer to the action of individuals engaging in dates with one other, dating can also encompass a wide range of activities which fall outside participation in dates.

The meaning of dating also shifted during the 20th century to include a more informal use referring to a romantic, sexual relationship itself beyond an introductory or trial stage. Although informal, this meaning is very common and is used in formal speech as well as writing. Although taboo across most of the world for much of history, premarital sex has become increasingly common within the last century, beginning with the onset of the sexual revolution. Across a greater number of portrayals in film, television, and music, sex within dating has become increasingly accepted as a natural progression of the relationship.

Dating is an essential step toward finding your forever person. Dating will help you and your spouse develops a friendship, learn to communicate, and see how your futures align.


1. Dating helps personality development.

Personal identity is developed through relationships with other people. The key is successful relationships. When a dating experience is successful it helps to build our personality.

2. Dating can be fun

It can be a source of enjoyment and recreation. This is an end in itself because couples want to relax and experience a form of entertainment together.

3. Dating is a big part in the socialization process.

In other words, dating establishes social confidence, helps people learn social skills like manners, consideration for others, cooperation, and conversation.

4. Dating allows people to try out gender roles.

Men and women need to discover the kinds of roles they find fulfilling in a close relationship. This can only be accomplished in actual situations with the opposite sex.

5. Dating involves learning about intimacy and serves as an opportunity to establish a unique, meaningful relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

6. Dating can provide companionship through interaction and shared activities with the opposite sex.

One of the worst of all human conditions is loneliness. Oftentimes, loneliness causes a person to feel depressed, impatient, bored, self-depreciation, and desperation as they feel panicked and helpless. One of the best counters to loneliness is the establishment of meaningful relationships with others.

7. Dating helps you find the right mate.

A person can use dating as a process of filtering out or narrowing the field of eligible partners down to a specific few and eventually to one person who will be his mate for a lifetime.

8. Dating can help prepare for marriage.

Dating can help couples acquire the needed knowledge and skills for a successful marriage. For example, dating helps develop a better understanding of each other's attitudes and behaviors, how to get along, and can increase your ability to discuss and solve relational problems.


1. Flirt

That’s correct. We all flirt, and flirting is a good way to test the waters between you and your special someone.

If they flirt back, then that’s a great sign. Don’t go overboard with this – you might scare the person that you like. You can do simple flirting with cute emojis, special quotes, sweet gestures, etc.

2. Be honest and ask

It’s now or never! Find the perfect time, and sincerely ask the other person that you want to start dating. If this person asks you why you want to date them, then be honest. Don’t joke around because this would look like you’re playing.

3. Take the risk

Now, if you want to start dating, you have to take the risk, especially when the person you like is also a friend. Learn to date and learn to take risks. It’s all part of the process.


Stage 1: Romance and attraction

This is where you feel all the butterflies in your stomach. It’s where you can’t sleep because you still want to talk to your special someone even if it’s already 3 a.m.

This stage usually lasts for 2 – 3 months. Everything is full of happiness, thrill, and all the sweet feelings of being in love.

Stage 2: Reality and power scuffle

After a few months, you’ve known your special someone for some time now, and you’ve seen how they are when they’re not in the mood, how they are in their home, and how they are handling their finances.

Those are minor issues, and you’re lucky if that’s all that you can see by this stage.

This is the reason why some relationships don’t last for more than six months. In this stage, you might have had your first fight, you’ve seen your differences, and even all the pet peeves that would leave you walking out that door.

Stage 3: Commitment

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the second stage. This means you’re doing great in your dating relationships. The third stage of dating is all about commitment. This means they are officially in a relationship and would recognize each one for who they are.

Understanding, communication, and respect should rule the relationship if they want to make it to the next stage.

Stage 4: Intimacy

When we say intimacy, we are not just talking about sex. Intimacy can involve emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual. It’s where two people begin to understand each other and really connect. This is where your love truly blooms far beyond infatuation.

Stage 5: Engagement

This is the stage where the couple ultimately decides to step on to the next level of their relationship. It’s a commitment for marriage, to spend the rest of your lives together – the ultimate goal of any couple.


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