A podcast Transcript
Hello, this is Nigeria Daily. My name is Lilian Ogazi. No grief for anybody, the mantra of 2024 has been trending for a while now. It's almost as if Nigerians came together and agreed that that should be the slogan and the mantra for the year.
Basically, if explicitly explained in plain English, no grief for anybody means giving your opposition or alternatives a run by thinking outside the box. The slang is not to get tired of the delay in promotions at work and career growth but re -strategise to not fall into the same traps any longer.
Through all of this, the Nigerian police came out some time over the weekend seeing the slang as capable of inciting violence. Why? Well, let's find out as we hear from them. And let me say again on this note that the new slogan for 2023 -24 for young ones is no degree for anybody.
We have been informed from our intelligence that this slogan is coming from a revolutionary sector that may likely cause problems across the country. No degree for anybody is being seen as just a normal talk but in security business, in the security community, we have seen it as a very, very dangerous slogan that can trigger crises.
Well, that was the voice of the police there telling us why they think it's capable of inciting violence. Now, do Nigerians agree with this? Do they think the slogan is capable of actually inciting violence?
Well, let's hear from them. That statement is not good for anybody. I don't think it can cause violence because they are just using it as slangs and it just as usual almost every Nigerian is normally called slangs and none of those slangs are cause of violence because most of those things are used online.
They are used on internet not physical so that's it. I don't agree for anybody, anyone. I don't think, I think it means that like don't give up in whatever you're doing. That's what I think in my own opinion what they are referring to as no grass, not good for anybody.
It means that do what is in your mind like don't allow, don't be allowed to be cheated. That's what it means. This word, it depends on the conversation, the sentence. We are having easy and just say to me, this is not for anybody, I am not griefing.
I don't know, it's my steady anger and it's my not. And on a normal note, we can just be playing and we'll be like, not griefing for anybody. Those are some Nigerians there speaking. You are listening to Nigeria Daily coming to you from Daily Trust Online.
We'll be going on break Tuesday. You are welcome back. This is Nigeria Daily coming to you from Daily Trust Online. In this episode, we are looking at what prompted Nigerians to come up with the slangs, no grief for anybody in 2024.
But before we went on break, we heard from the police who told us why they think the term no grief for anybody might incite violence. We further had the thoughts of Nigerians on if they think the term is capable of inciting violence.
No grief for anyone means different things to different people. Now to some, it might just come up as violence, but to others, it might also be, you know, or have a religious undertone or a form of resolution to them.
Well, I went on the streets of Abuja to find out what the slangs meant to Nigerians. Join me. They say 2024 is not grief for anybody. What does it mean to you? Man, you don't let anybody go. You don't let anybody run you streets.