About Us



About Us

Boffinbloke.com connecting you to the world. News, Entertainment, Gist, Update, Educational, Politics, Quotes and many more.
Website Name: Boffinbloke  Blog
Website Address: boffinbloke.com
Publisher Name: Boffinbloke
EMail: [email protected]
Launch date: September 3, 2019
What we do: We are a top blog with wide reach. We report local and national news, politics, metro, business, entertainment, sports and opinions.
Our Vision: To be a leading light in the media industry by ensuring timely and unique contents.

Our target:

  •  To be a platform to visit when the news is breaking
  • To use our platform to check societal oppression, injustice and other ills through objective report, analysis and investigation.
  • To hold governments and policymakers accountable on issues that concern the masses
  • To entertain and enlighten the public on trending/topical issues
  • To push for political stability using the vehicle of factual reportage.

What we are:
Renowned for breaking the news
Popular with local news, cutting across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.
A blog known for its regular human angle stories
A blog that promotes public reactions to issues
 This has further strengthened the trust we enjoy from our readers/audience.
A blog that boasts of massive traffic on all social spheres.

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